Friday, October 16, 2015

Spoonflower Handbook Blog Tour

A few weeks ago, Spoonflower released their brand-spanking new and exciting Handbook. Check it out here!
It's essentially a hands-on, how-to of fabric design (also, wallpaper and gift wrap), which takes you step by step through the various way you can create beautiful custom surfaces. Not an Illustrator whizz or don't own fancy editing software? No problem! There's plenty...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

30 minute leggings tutorial

This week I have a tutorial up over on the Spoonflower blog - custom leggings in about 30 minutes. I love their new sports lycra fabric and it's perfect for a comfy, stretchy pair of leggings that you can dance, jump, run and play in. You don't need a...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

Doily gift tags

I attended Craftcation last week and had the chance to create a make and take project that I oversaw during one of the evening events. The gift tags were made were so bright and lovely that I thought it would be worth...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Zipper pouch

I'm the room parent for my daughter's second grade classroom this year and therefore I've had the opportunity to go in and take class pictures for our yearbook. I had this nice photo from a few months ago and since it's both our teachers' birthday month I decided to take...

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tea party birthday cake

There was a birthday this week in our house (my husband's) and I made this cake for him. As you can see, I just about managed to snap a few photos before it got polished off. I'm sharing the recipe because it's so simple to make, and quick too. I decided to make this and...

Simple sketches to comfy cushions

Last month I had the chance to try out the new minky fabric that's available through Spoonflower and here I am belatedly sharing the project I made using it in case you missed it. I took my little girl's sketches, which were already...

Monday, March 30, 2015

DIY Headboard

Spoonflower have recently added a lovely new fabric to their collection. It's called faux suede, and I had the chance to work with it for this headboard I made for our bedroom. We've lived without a headboard since buying a new bed about 18 months ago, for two reasons: 1. headboards are...

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sewing project

Fabric from the Ipanema Collection by Birch Fabrics. Romper is the free Playsuit Pattern by Elegance & Elephants...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tripod floor lamp

We used an old farm surveyor's wooden tripod (I say farm, because when we first got it is smelled like it had spent time on a farm..) to make this standard lamp. This project was a year...

Sunday, March 1, 2015


I've been anxiously waiting to share this project I wrote for Fiskars, because honestly I love it so much! My kids do too, of course. Which makes it such a success, at least in my eyes.
This teepee was inspired by the fact that the kids and I have been...

Little Fox

I recently sewed up this little jacket for my daughter - Simplicity 1477 designed by Molly Goodall from Little Goodall. It's adorable! One of my favorite creations of late. There's something about... children in animal clothes - and with ears! - that makes my heart glow.


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Figgy's Patterns

I recently took part in a pattern tour for the latest collection of sewing patterns by Figgy's Patterns and used Spoonflower's lovely new modern...

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Labels for your clothes

I know I've mentioned this before, but it's something I feel is really important when it comes to producing and finishing, lovingly, handmade items. Whether it's a piece of clothing, a home decor item or a handmade card, I think it's important to label your work...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I have been participating in the Hawthorn sewalong by Colette Patterns, and here's my finished dress. I opted for the sleeveless version, but the pattern also has directions for two lengths of sleeve and...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Decal vases

Spoonflower have a couple of wonderful new products out - and just in time for the holidays!! Click here to read more about the wallpapers, wall decals AND gift wrap!! There's SO MUCH creative potential in their new wall decals and...
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